MC Note: Broken Link to Staff page. Microarray Information The Genomics Core Facility is fully equipped for all aspects of microarray labeling, hybridization, and data acquisition. The staff provide consultation on experimental design, training on use of the equipment, as well as assistance with software and data analysis. The Genomics Core Facility works closely with the Research Computing Staff to provide researchers with computing power and consulting services to analyze data, including use of the PUMAdb database. Instrumentation available for use are: Agilent Microarray Scanner with Surescan High-Resolution Technology, Agilent hybridization ovens, water baths, and Nanodrop 1000. Nucleic Acid samples are checked prior to labeling using the Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100 and the Nanodrop spectrophotometer. Post labeling efficiency is quantified by Nanodrop prior to hybridization of labeled samples to the array. Post-hybridization image acquisition is accomplished using an Agilent Microarray scanner, two color, equipped with a 48 slide auto-sampler carousel. Data extraction from the images is accomplished with Agilent’s data feature extraction software v 11.0. The entire lab space is ozone free protecting dye integrity of samples Arrayfiles Data Access Array images and data must be immediately transferred to the Arrayfiles server (\\\arraydata\people\NetID). All images and data older than a week are subject to removal from the scanner computer. The data will be available on the Arrayfiles server for a period of three months. In order to obtain access to the Arrafiles server, you must print, sign, and submit the Arrayfiles Data Storage and Retrieval Agreement.