Explore core facilities, research and software resources. Research Resources Lewis-Sigler Institute Computational Resources Overview, equipment, and contacts for the computational resources at LSI. Lewis-Sigler Institute Genomics Core Facility Overview, instrumentation, and contacts for the genomics facility. Lewis-Sigler Institute Media Facility Institute staff may order plates and other media from our facility in the Carl Icahn Lab. Software Resources Princeton University Microarray Database (PUMAdb) University researchers and their collaborators can register for use of the Princeton University MicroArray database (PUMAdb). This web resource facilitates data management, result analysis, and collaborative research projects. Princeton University HT-Seq Database Database for managing, modeling, and storing data produced by HTP sequencing analyses. Generic Gene Ontology (GO) Term Mapper This generic ("multi-organism") GO Term Mapper web tool maps the granular GO annotations for genes in a list to a set of GO slim terms, allowing you to bin your genes into broad categories. For a list of additional Gene Ontology Tools, please visit the GO Tools page. Generic Gene Ontology (GO) Term Finder This generic ("multi-organism") GO Term Finder web tool finds significant GO terms shared among a list of genes from your organism of choice, helping you discover what these genes may have in common. For a list of additional Gene Ontology Tools, please visit the GO Tools page.