Publications Search Advanced Filters Type - Any -Journal Article Year - Any -2022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841982198119801979197819771976 AuthorTitleTypeYear #ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 21 Publications Applied Filters: First Letter Of Last Name: O Reset O 1.O’Brien TP, Metallinos DL, Chen H, Shin MK, Tilghman SM. Complementation mapping of skeletal and central nervous system abnormalities in mice of the piebald deletion complex. Genetics. 1996;143(1):447–61. 1.O’Connell B, Adamson B, Lydeard J, Sowa M, Ciccia A, Bredemeyer A, Schlabach M, Gygi S, Elledge S, Harper W. A genome-wide camptothecin sensitivity screen identifies a mammalian MMS22L-NFKBIL2 complex required for genomic stability. Molecular cell. 2010;40(4):645–57. PMCID: PMC3006237 1.O’Neill MJ, Ingram RS, Vrana PB, Tilghman SM. Allelic expression of IGF2 in marsupials and birds. Dev Genes Evol. 2000;210(1):18–20. 1.Ober U, Ayroles J, Stone EA, Richards S, Zhu D, Gibbs RA, Stricker C, Gianola D, Schlather M, Mackay TFC, Simianer H. Using whole-genome sequence data to predict quantitative trait phenotypes in Drosophila melanogaster. PLoS Genet. 2012;8(5):e1002685. 1.Ochoa A, Llinás M, Singh M. Using context to improve protein domain identification. BMC Bioinformatics. 2011;12:90. 1.Ochoa A, Storey JD, Llinás M, Singh M. Beyond the E-Value: Stratified Statistics for Protein Domain Prediction. PLoS Comput Biol. 2015;11(11):e1004509. 1.Ochoa A, Singh M. Domain prediction with probabilistic directional context. Bioinformatics. 2017;33(16):2471–2478. PMID: 28407137 1.Oktaba K, Zhang W, Lotz TS, Jun DJ, Lemke SB, Ng SP, Esposito E, Levine M, Hilgers V. ELAV Links Paused Pol II to Alternative Polyadenylation in the Drosophila Nervous System. Mol Cell. 2015;57(2):341–8. 1.Oleksiuk O, Jakovljevic V, Vladimirov N, Carvalho R, Paster E, Ryu WS, Meir Y, Wingreen NS, Kollmann M, Sourjik V. Thermal robustness of signaling in bacterial chemotaxis. Cell. 2011;145(2):312–21. 1.Oliveira RP, Abate JP, Dilks K, Landis J, Ashraf JM, Murphy CT, Blackwell K. Condition-adapted stress and longevity gene regulation by Caenorhabditis elegans SKN-1/Nrf. Aging Cell. 2009;8(5):524–41. 1.Olszewski K, Barsotti A, Feng X-J, Momcilovic M, Liu KG, Kim J-I, Morris K, Lamarque C, Gaffney J, Yu X, Patel JP, Rabinowitz JD, Shackelford DB, Poyurovsky M V. Inhibition of glucose transport synergizes with chemical or genetic disruption of mitochondrial metabolism and suppresses TCA cycle-deficient tumors. Cell Chem Biol. 2022;29(3):423–435.e10. PMID: 34715056 1.Olszewski KL, Morrisey JM, Wilinski D, Burns JM, Vaidya AB, Rabinowitz JD, Llinás M. Host-parasite interactions revealed by Plasmodium falciparum metabolomics. Cell Host Microbe. 2009;5(2):191–9. 1.Olszewski KL, Mather MW, Morrisey JM, Garcia BA, Vaidya AB, Rabinowitz JD, Llinás M. Branched tricarboxylic acid metabolism in Plasmodium falciparum. Nature. 2010;466(7307):774–8. 1.Osada R, Zaslavsky E, Singh M. Comparative analysis of methods for representing and searching for transcription factor binding sites. Bioinformatics. 2004;20(18):3516–25. 1.Osborne LC, Hohl SS, Bialek W, Lisberger SG. Time course of precision in smooth-pursuit eye movements of monkeys. J Neurosci. 2007;27(11):2987–98. 1.Osborne LC, Bialek W, Lisberger SG. Time course of information about motion direction in visual area MT of macaque monkeys. J Neurosci. 2004;24(13):3210–22. 1.Osborne LC, Lisberger SG, Bialek W. A sensory source for motor variation. Nature. 2005;437(7057):412–6. 1.Osborne LC, Palmer SE, Lisberger SG, Bialek W. The neural basis for combinatorial coding in a cortical population response. J Neurosci. 2008;28(50):13522–31. 1.Oslund RC, Su X, Haugbro M, Kee J-M, Esposito M, David Y, Wang B, Ge E, Perlman DH, Kang Y, Muir TW, Rabinowitz JD. Bisphosphoglycerate mutase controls serine pathway flux via 3-phosphoglycerate. Nat Chem Biol. 2017;13(10):1081–1087. PMCID: PMC5605442 1.Osterfield M, Du X, Schüpbach T, Wieschaus E, Shvartsman SY. Three-dimensional epithelial morphogenesis in the developing Drosophila egg. Dev Cell. 2013;24(4):400–10. 1.Ouzounov N, Nguyen JP, Bratton BP, Jacobowitz D, Gitai Z, Shaevitz JW. MreB Orientation Correlates with Cell Diameter in Escherichia coli. Biophys J. 2016;111(5):1035–43. PMCID: PMC5018124