Publications Search Advanced Filters Type - Any -Journal Article Year - Any -2022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841982198119801979197819771976 AuthorTitleTypeYear #ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 23 Publications Applied Filters: First Letter Of Last Name: J Reset J 1.Jabeen S, Zucknick M, Nome M, Dannenfelser R, Fleischer T, Kumar S, Lüders T, Gythfeldt H von der L, Troyanskaya O, Kyte JA, Børresen-Dale A-L, Naume B, Tekpli X, Engebraaten O, Kristensen V. Serum cytokine levels in breast cancer patients during neoadjuvant treatment with bevacizumab. Oncoimmunology. 2018;7(11):e1457598. PMCID: PMC6205029 1.Jaffe A, Storey J, Ji H, Leek J. Gene set bagging for estimating the probability a statistically significant result will replicate. BMC bioinformatics. 2013;14:360. PMCID: PMC3890500 1.Jang C, Oh SF, Wada S, Rowe GC, Liu L, Chan MC, Rhee J, Hoshino A, Kim B, Ibrahim A, Baca LG, Kim E, Ghosh CC, Parikh SM, Jiang A, Chu Q, Forman DE, Lecker SH, Krishnaiah S, Rabinowitz JD, Weljie AM, Baur JA, Kasper DL, Arany Z. A branched-chain amino acid metabolite drives vascular fatty acid transport and causes insulin resistance. Nat Med. 2016;22(4):421–6. 1.Jang C, Hui S, Lu W, Cowan AJ, Morscher RJ, Lee G, Liu W, Tesz GJ, Birnbaum MJ, Rabinowitz JD. The Small Intestine Converts Dietary Fructose into Glucose and Organic Acids. Cell Metab. 2018;27(2):351–361.e3. PMCID: PMC6032988 1.Jang C, Chen L, Rabinowitz JD. Metabolomics and Isotope Tracing. Cell. 2018;173(4):822–837. PMCID: PMC6034115 1.Jang C, Hui S, Zeng X, Cowan AJ, Wang L, Chen L, Morscher RJ, Reyes J, Frezza C, Hwang HY, Imai A, Saito Y, Okamoto K, Vaspoli C, Kasprenski L, Zsido GA, Gorman JH, Gorman RC, Rabinowitz JD. Metabolite Exchange between Mammalian Organs Quantified in Pigs. Cell Metab. 2019;30(3):594–606.e3. PMCID: PMC6726553 1.Jang C, Hui S, Zeng X, Cowan AJ, Wang L, Chen L, Morscher RJ, Reyes J, Frezza C, . Y. Hwang H, Imai A, Saito Y, Okamoto K, Vaspoli C, Kasprenski L, Zsido GA 2nd, Gorman JH 3rd, Gorman RC, Rabinowitz JD. Metabolite exchange between mammalian organs quantified in pigs. Cell Metab. 2019;30(3):594–606. 1.Jaźwińska A, Kirov N, Wieschaus E, Roth S, Rushlow C. The Drosophila gene brinker reveals a novel mechanism of Dpp target gene regulation. Cell. 1999;96(4):563–73. 1.Jeffrey SS, Fero MJ, Børresen-Dale A-L, Botstein D. Expression array technology in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. Mol Interv. 2002;2(2):101–9. 1.Jensen JD, Thornton KR, Andolfatto P. An approximate bayesian estimator suggests strong, recurrent selective sweeps in Drosophila. PLoS Genet. 2008;4(9):e1000198. 1.Jeong S, Rebeiz M, Andolfatto P, Werner T, True J, Carroll SB. The evolution of gene regulation underlies a morphological difference between two Drosophila sister species. Cell. 2008;132(5):783–93. 1.Jiang P, Singh M. SPICi: a fast clustering algorithm for large biological networks. Bioinformatics. 2010;26(8):1105–11. 1.Jiang P, Singh M, Coller HA. Computational assessment of the cooperativity between RNA binding proteins and MicroRNAs in Transcript Decay. PLoS Comput Biol. 2013;9(5):e1003075. 1.Jiang P, Singh M. CCAT: Combinatorial Code Analysis Tool for transcriptional regulation. Nucleic Acids Res. 2014;42(5):2833–47. 1.Jim K, Parmar K, Singh M, Tavazoie S. A cross-genomic approach for systematic mapping of phenotypic traits to genes. Genome Res. 2004;14(1):109–15. 1.Jiménez G, Shvartsman SY, Paroush Z. The Capicua repressor--a general sensor of RTK signaling in development and disease. J Cell Sci. 2012;125(Pt 6):1383–91. 1.Jin Y, Gittelman RM, Lu Y, Liu X, Li MD, Ling F, Akey J. Evolution of DNAase I hypersensitive sites in MHC regulatory regions of primates. Genetics. 2018;209(2):579–589. 1.Jindal G, Goyal Y, Burdine R, Rauen K, Shvartsman S. RASopathies: unraveling mechanisms with animal models. Disease models & mechanisms. 2015;8(8):769–82. PMCID: PMC4527292 1.Jones BK, Levorse JM, Tilghman SM. Igf2 imprinting does not require its own DNA methylation or H19 RNA. Genes Dev. 1998;12(14):2200–7. 1.Jones BK, Levorse J, Tilghman SM. Deletion of a nuclease-sensitive region between the Igf2 and H19 genes leads to Igf2 misregulation and increased adiposity. Hum Mol Genet. 2001;10(8):807–14. 1.Jones BK, Levorse J, Tilghman SM. A human H19 transgene exhibits impaired paternal-specific imprint acquisition and maintenance in mice. Hum Mol Genet. 2002;11(4):411–8. 1.Ju W, Greene CS, Eichinger F, Nair V, Hodgin JB, Bitzer M, Lee Y- suk, Zhu Q, Kehata M, Li M, Jiang S, Rastaldi MP, Cohen CD, Troyanskaya OG, Kretzler M. Defining cell-type specificity at the transcriptional level in human disease. Genome Res. 2013;23(11):1862–73. 1.Jumbo-Lucioni P, Ayroles J, Chambers M, Jordan KW, Leips J, Mackay TF, De Luca M. Systems genetics analysis of body weight and energy metabolism traits in Drosophila melanogaster. BMC Genomics. 2010;11:297.