Publications Search Advanced Filters Type - Any -Journal Article Year - Any -2022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841982198119801979197819771976 AuthorTitleTypeYear #ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 22 Publications Applied Filters: First Letter Of Last Name: F Reset F 1.Fan J, Ye J, Kamphorst JJ, Shlomi T, Thompson CB, Rabinowitz JD. Quantitative flux analysis reveals folate-dependent NADPH production. Nature. 2014;510(7504):298–302. 1.Fan J, Teng X, Liu L, Mattaini KR, Looper RE, Heiden MGV, Rabinowitz JD. Human Phosphoglycerate Dehydrogenase Produces the Oncometabolite d-2-Hydroxyglutarate. ACS Chem Biol. 2014;. 1.Fan J, Kamphorst JJ, Mathew R, Chung MK, White E, Shlomi T, Rabinowitz JD. Glutamine-driven oxidative phosphorylation is a major ATP source in transformed mammalian cells in both normoxia and hypoxia. Mol Syst Biol. 2013;9:712. 1.Farley EK, Olson KM, Zhang W, Brandt AJ, Rokhsar DS, Levine MS. Suboptimization of developmental enhancers. Science. 2015;350(6258):325–8. 1.Farley EK, Olson KM, Zhang W, Rokhsar DS, Levine MS. Syntax compensates for poor binding sites to encode tissue specificity of developmental enhancers. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016;113(23):6508–13. PMCID: PMC4988596 1.Farley E, Levine M. HOT DNAs: a novel class of developmental enhancers. Genes Dev. 2012;26(9):873–6. 1.Ferraro T, Esposito E, Mancini L, Ng S, Lucas T, Coppey M, Dostatni N, Walczak AM, Levine M, Lagha M. Transcriptional Memory in the Drosophila Embryo. Curr Biol. 2016;26(2):212–8. 1.Ferree PM, Frydman HM, Li JM, Cao J, Wieschaus E, Sullivan W. Wolbachia utilizes host microtubules and Dynein for anterior localization in the Drosophila oocyte. PLoS Pathog. 2005;1(2):e14. 1.Feuerman MH, Godbout R, Ingram RS, Tilghman SM. Tissue-specific transcription of the mouse alpha-fetoprotein gene promoter is dependent on HNF-1. Mol Cell Biol. 1989;9(10):4204–12. 1.Fisk DG, Ball CA, Dolinski K, Engel SR, Hong EL, Issel-Tarver L, Schwartz K, Sethuraman A, Botstein D, Cherry M, Project SGD. Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C genome annotation: a working hypothesis. Yeast. 2006;23(12):857–65. 1.Fletcher AG, Osterfield M, Baker RE, Shvartsman SY. Vertex models of epithelial morphogenesis. Biophys J. 2014;106(11):2291–304. 1.Fong JH, Keating AE, Singh M. Predicting specificity in bZIP coiled-coil protein interactions. Genome Biol. 2004;5(2):R11. 1.Foo SM, Sun Y, Lim B, Ziukaite R, O’Brien K, Nien C-Y, Kirov N, Shvartsman SY, Rushlow CA. Zelda potentiates morphogen activity by increasing chromatin accessibility. Curr Biol. 2014;24(12):1341–6. 1.Frederick DW, Loro E, Liu L, Davila A, Chellappa K, Silverman IM, Quinn WJ, Gosai SJ, Tichy ED, Davis JG, Mourkioti F, Gregory BD, Dellinger RW, Redpath P, Migaud ME, Nakamaru-Ogiso E, Rabinowitz JD, Khurana TS, Baur JA. Loss of NAD Homeostasis Leads to Progressive and Reversible Degeneration of Skeletal Muscle. Cell Metab. 2016;24(2):269–82. PMCID: PMC4985182 1.Frydman HM, Li JM, Robson DN, Wieschaus E. Somatic stem cell niche tropism in Wolbachia. Nature. 2006;441(7092):509–12. 1.Fu F, Kocher S, Nowak M. The risk-return trade-off between solitary and eusocial reproduction. Ecology letters. 2015;18(1):74–84. PMCID: PMC5492949 1.Fuchs A, Cheung LS, Charbonnier E, Shvartsman SY, Pyrowolakis G. Transcriptional interpretation of the EGF receptor signaling gradient. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012;109(5):1572–7. 1.Fukaya T, Lim B, Levine M. Enhancer Control of Transcriptional Bursting. Cell. 2016;166(2):358–68. PMCID: PMC4970759 1.Fukaya T, Levine M. Transvection. Curr Biol. 2017;27(19):R1047-R1049. PMID: 29017034 1.Fukaya T, Lim B, Levine M. Rapid Rates of Pol II Elongation in the Drosophila Embryo. Curr Biol. 2017;27(9):1387–1391. PMCID: PMC5665007 1.Furchtgott L, Wingreen NS, Huang KC. Mechanisms for maintaining cell shape in rod-shaped Gram-negative bacteria. Mol Microbiol. 2011;81(2):340–53. 1.Futran AS, Link J, Seger R, Shvartsman SY. ERK as a model for systems biology of enzyme kinetics in cells. Curr Biol. 2013;23(21):R972–9.