Targeted exploration and analysis of large cross-platform human transcriptomic compendia. Author Qian Zhu, Aaron Wong, Arjun Krishnan, Miriam Aure, Alicja Tadych, Ran Zhang, David Corney, Casey Greene, Lars Bongo, Vessela Kristensen, Moses Charikar, Kai Li, Olga Troyanskaya Publication Year 2015 Type Journal Article Abstract We present SEEK (search-based exploration of expression compendia;, a query-based search engine for very large transcriptomic data collections, including thousands of human data sets from many different microarray and high-throughput sequencing platforms. SEEK uses a query-level cross-validation-based algorithm to automatically prioritize data sets relevant to the query and a robust search approach to identify genes, pathways and processes co-regulated with the query. SEEK provides multigene query searching with iterative metadata-based search refinement and extensive visualization-based analysis options. Journal Nat Methods Volume 12 Issue 3 Pages 211-4, 3 p following 214 Date Published 03/2015 Alternate Journal Nat. Methods Google ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML