Overview of the Alliance for Cellular Signaling. Author Alfred Gilman, Melvin Simon, Henry Bourne, Bruce Harris, Rochelle Long, Elliott Ross, James Stull, Ronald Taussig, Henry Bourne, Adam Arkin, Melanie Cobb, Jason Cyster, Peter Devreotes, James Ferrell, David Fruman, Michael Gold, Arthur Weiss, James Stull, Michael Berridge, Lewis Cantley, William Catterall, Shaun Coughlin, Eric Olson, Temple Smith, Joan Brugge, David Botstein, Jack Dixon, Tony Hunter, Robert Lefkowitz, Anthony Pawson, Paul Sternberg, Harold Varmus, Shankar Subramaniam, Robert Sinkovits, Joshua Li, Dennis Mock, Yuhong Ning, Brian Saunders, Paul Sternweis, Donald Hilgemann, Richard Scheuermann, Dianne DeCamp, Robert Hsueh, Keng-Mean Lin, Yan Ni, William Seaman, Paul Simpson, Timothy O'Connell, Tamara Roach, Melvin Simon, Sangdun Choi, Pamela Eversole-Cire, Iain Fraser, Marc Mumby, Yingming Zhao, Deirdre Brekken, Hongjun Shu, Tobias Meyer, Grischa Chandy, Won Heo, Jen Liou, Nancy O'Rourke, Mary Verghese, Susanne Mumby, Heping Han, Alex Brown, Jeffrey Forrester, Pavlina Ivanova, Stephen Milne, Patrick Casey, Kendall Harden, Adam Arkin, John Doyle, Martha Gray, Tobias Meyer, Stephen Michnick, Martin Schmidt, Mehmet Toner, Roger Tsien, Madhusudan Natarajan, Rama Ranganathan, Gilberto Sambrano, Participating Signaling Publication Year 2002 Type Journal Article Abstract The Alliance for Cellular Signaling is a large-scale collaboration designed to answer global questions about signalling networks. Pathways will be studied intensively in two cells--B lymphocytes (the cells of the immune system) and cardiac myocytes--to facilitate quantitative modelling. One goal is to catalyse complementary research in individual laboratories; to facilitate this, all alliance data are freely available for use by the entire research community. Keywords Signal Transduction, Models, Biological, United States, Research, Internet, Ligands, B-Lymphocytes, Databases, Factual, Cooperative Behavior, International Cooperation, Myocytes, Cardiac, Research Design, Research Personnel Journal Nature Volume 420 Issue 6916 Pages 703-6 Date Published 12/2002 Alternate Journal Nature Google ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML