Nobel laureates' letter to President Bush. Author K Arrow, J Axelrod, B Benacerraf, P Berg, J Bishop, N Bloembergen, H Brown, J Cibelli, S Cohen, L Cooper, E Corey, J Cronin, R Curl, R Dulbecco, E Fischer, L Fitch V, R Fogel, J Friedman, R Furchgott, M Gell-Mann, W Gilbert, A Gilman, D Glaser, S Glashow, R Green, P Greengard, R Guillemin, L Hayflick, H Hauptman, J Heckman, A Heeger, D Herschbach, D Hubel, R Hulse, E Kandel, J Karle, L Klein, W Kohn, A Kornberg, E Krebs, R Lanza, R Laughlin, L Lederman, D Lee, E Lewis, W Lipscomb, R Marcus, D McFadden, R Merrifield, R Merton, F Modigliani, M Molina, F Murad, M Nirenberg, D North, G Olah, D Osheroff, G Palade, M Perl, N Ramsey, B Richter, R Roberts, P Samuelson, M Schwartz, P Sharp, R Smalley, H Smith, R Solow, H Stormer, H Taube, R Taylor, E Thomas, J Tobin, S Tonegawa, C Townes, J Watson, S Weinberg, T Weller, M West, E Wieschaus, T Wiesel, R Wilson Publication Year 2001 Type Journal Article Keywords Humans, United States, Stem Cells, National Institutes of Health (U.S.), Embryo Disposition, Embryo Research, Federal Government, Financing, Government, Research Support as Topic Journal Washington Post Pages A02 Date Published 02/2001 Alternate Journal Washington Post Google ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML