Germline autonomy of maternal-effect mutations altering the embryonic body pattern of Drosophila. Author T Schupbach, E Wieschaus Publication Year 1986 Type Journal Article Abstract Nine maternal-effect loci Drosophila melanogaster were tested in germline mosaics to determine whether the wildtype gene activity is required in somatic or germline components of the maternal ovary. Mutations in these loci affect the anterior-posterior or dorso-ventral body pattern. In all nine loci (torso, trunk, exuperantia, vasa, valois, staufen, tudor, dorsal, Toll) a mutant genotype in the germ cells is sufficient to produce all aspects of the mutant embryonic phenotype, even when those germ cells are surrounded by wildtype somatic tissues. Keywords Animals, Mutation, Mosaicism, Drosophila melanogaster, Mitosis, Recombination, Genetic Journal Dev Biol Volume 113 Issue 2 Pages 443-8 Date Published 02/1986 Alternate Journal Dev. Biol. Google ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML