fringe, a Boundary-specific signaling molecule, mediates interactions between dorsal and ventral cells during Drosophila wing development. Author K Irvine, E Wieschaus Publication Year 1994 Type Journal Article Abstract Wing formation in Drosophila requires interactions between dorsal and ventral cells. We describe a new gene, fringe, which is expressed in dorsal cells and encodes for a novel protein that is predicted to be secreted. Wing margin formation and distal wing outgrowth can be induced by the juxtaposition of cells with and without fringe expression, whether at the normal wing margin, at the boundaries of fringe mutant clones in the dorsal wing, or at sites of fringe misexpression in the ventral wing. By contrast, both loss of fringe expression and uniform fringe expression cause wing loss. These observations suggest that fringe encodes a boundary-specific cell-signaling molecule that is responsible for dorsal-ventral cell interactions during wing development. Keywords Animals, Drosophila, Drosophila Proteins, Signal Transduction, Female, Male, Molecular Sequence Data, Larva, Phenotype, Gene Expression, Proteins, Amino Acid Sequence, Wing, Crosses, Genetic, Mutagenesis, Open Reading Frames, Cloning, Molecular, Protein Biosynthesis, N-Acetylglucosaminyltransferases Journal Cell Volume 79 Issue 4 Pages 595-606 Date Published 11/1994 Alternate Journal Cell Google ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML