Dynamics of the Dorsal morphogen gradient. Author Jitendra Kanodia, Richa Rikhy, Yoosik Kim, Viktor Lund, Robert DeLotto, Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, Stanislav Shvartsman Publication Year 2009 Type Journal Article Abstract The dorsoventral (DV) patterning of the Drosophila embryo depends on the nuclear localization gradient of Dorsal (Dl), a protein related to the mammalian NF-kappaB transcription factors. Current understanding of how the Dl gradient works has been derived from studies of its transcriptional interpretation, but the gradient itself has not been quantified. In particular, it is not known whether the Dl gradient is stable or dynamic during the DV patterning of the embryo. To address this question, we developed a mathematical model of the Dl gradient and constrained its parameters by experimental data. Based on our computational analysis, we predict that the Dl gradient is dynamic and, to a first approximation, can be described as a concentration profile with increasing amplitude and constant shape. These time-dependent properties of the Dl gradient are different from those of the Bicoid and MAPK phosphorylation gradients, which pattern the anterior and terminal regions of the embryo. Specifically, the gradient of the nuclear levels of Bicoid is stable, whereas the pattern of MAPK phosphorylation changes in both shape and amplitude. We attribute these striking differences in the dynamics of maternal morphogen gradients to the differences in the initial conditions and chemistries of the anterior, DV, and terminal systems. Keywords Animals, Drosophila, Drosophila Proteins, Trans-Activators, Transcription Factors, Body Patterning, Cell Nucleus, Homeodomain Proteins, Nuclear Proteins, Phosphoproteins, Phosphorylation, Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases Journal Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A Volume 106 Issue 51 Pages 21707-12 Date Published 12/2009 Alternate Journal Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. Google ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML