Coordinate regulation of an extended chromosome domain. Author Vincent Calhoun, Michael Levine Publication Year 2003 Type Journal Article Abstract Spitz et al (2003[this issue of Cell]) describe the properties of a novel cis-regulatory DNA element, the global control region (GCR), which regulates gene expression over distances of several hundred kilobases at the mouse HoxD complex. The GCR provides an explanation for the colinear genetic linkage and expression of individual Hox genes within developing limbs. Keywords Animals, Gene Expression Regulation, Developmental, Mice, Enhancer Elements, Genetic, Promoter Regions, Genetic, Homeodomain Proteins, Chromosomes, Mammalian Journal Cell Volume 113 Issue 3 Pages 278-80 Date Published 05/2003 Alternate Journal Cell Google ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML