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Ayroles, Julien, Brooke A Laflamme, Eric A Stone, Mariana F Wolfner, and Trudy F C Mackay. (2011) 2011. “Functional Genome Annotation of Drosophila Seminal Fluid Proteins Using Transcriptional Genetic Networks.”. Genet Res (Camb) 93 (6): 387-95. Reference Link
Huang, Wen, Stephen Richards, Mary Anna Carbone, Dianhui Zhu, Robert Anholt, Julien Ayroles, Laura Duncan, et al. (2012) 2012. “Epistasis Dominates the Genetic Architecture of Drosophila Quantitative Traits.”. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 109 (39): 15553-9. Reference Link
Ober, Ulrike, Julien Ayroles, Eric A Stone, Stephen Richards, Dianhui Zhu, Richard A Gibbs, Christian Stricker, et al. 2012. “Using Whole-Genome Sequence Data to Predict Quantitative Trait Phenotypes in Drosophila Melanogaster.”. PLoS Genet 8 (5): e1002685. Reference Link
Mackay, Trudy F C, Stephen Richards, Eric A Stone, Antonio Barbadilla, Julien Ayroles, Dianhui Zhu, Sònia Casillas, et al. (2012) 2012. “The Drosophila Melanogaster Genetic Reference Panel.”. Nature 482 (7384): 173-8. Reference Link
Edwards, Alexis C, Julien Ayroles, Eric A Stone, Mary Anna Carbone, Richard F Lyman, and Trudy F C Mackay. 2009. “A Transcriptional Network Associated With Natural Variation in Drosophila Aggressive Behavior.”. Genome Biol 10 (7): R76. Reference Link
Harbison, Susan T, Mary Anna Carbone, Julien Ayroles, Eric A Stone, Richard F Lyman, and Trudy F C Mackay. (2009) 2009. “Co-Regulated Transcriptional Networks Contribute to Natural Genetic Variation in Drosophila Sleep.”. Nat Genet 41 (3): 371-5. Reference Link
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Jumbo-Lucioni, Patricia, Julien Ayroles, Michelle Chambers, Katherine W Jordan, Jeff Leips, Trudy Fc Mackay, and Maria De Luca. 2010. “Systems Genetics Analysis of Body Weight and Energy Metabolism Traits in Drosophila Melanogaster.”. BMC Genomics 11: 297. Reference Link
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Morozova, Tatiana, V, Julien Ayroles, Katherine W Jordan, Laura Duncan, Mary Anna Carbone, Richard F Lyman, Eric A Stone, et al. (2009) 2009. “Alcohol Sensitivity in Drosophila: Translational Potential of Systems Genetics.”. Genetics 183 (2): 733-45, 1SI. Reference Link
Carbone, Mary Anna, Julien Ayroles, Akihiko Yamamoto, Tatiana Morozova V, Steven A West, Michael M Magwire, Trudy F C Mackay, and Robert Anholt. 2009. “Overexpression of Myocilin in the Drosophila Eye Activates the Unfolded Protein Response: Implications for Glaucoma.”. PLoS One 4 (1): e4216. Reference Link
Zwarts, Liesbeth, Lies Vanden Broeck, Elisa Cappuyns, Julien Ayroles, Michael M Magwire, Veerle Vulsteke, Jason Clements, Trudy F C Mackay, and Patrick Callaerts. (2015) 2015. “The Genetic Basis of Natural Variation in Mushroom Body Size in Drosophila Melanogaster.”. Nat Commun 6: 10115. doi:10.1038/ncomms10115. Reference Link
Rowe, Kevin C, Sonal Singhal, Matthew D Macmanes, Julien Ayroles, Toni Lyn Morelli, Emily M Rubidge, Ke Bi, and Craig C Moritz. (2011) 2011. “Museum Genomics: Low-Cost and High-Accuracy Genetic Data from Historical Specimens.”. Mol Ecol Resour 11 (6): 1082-92. Reference Link
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Dejean, Alain, Pascal Jean Solano, Julien Ayroles, Bruno Corbara, and Jérôme Orivel. (2005) 2005. “Insect Behaviour: Arboreal Ants Build Traps to Capture Prey.”. Nature 434 (7036): 973. Reference Link
Kocher, Sarah D, Julien Ayroles, Eric A Stone, and Christina M Grozinger. 2010. “Individual Variation in Pheromone Response Correlates With Reproductive Traits and Brain Gene Expression in Worker Honey Bees.”. PLoS One 5 (2): e9116. Reference Link
Massouras, Andreas, Sebastian M Waszak, Monica Albarca-Aguilera, Korneel Hens, Wiebke Holcombe, Julien Ayroles, Emmanouil T Dermitzakis, et al. 2012. “Genomic Variation and Its Impact on Gene Expression in Drosophila Melanogaster.”. PLoS Genet 8 (11): e1003055. Reference Link
Ayroles, Julien, Kimberly A Hughes, Kevin C Rowe, Melissa M Reedy, Sandra L Rodriguez-Zas, Jenny M Drnevich, Carla E Cáceres, and Ken N Paige. (2009) 2009. “A Genomewide Assessment of Inbreeding Depression: Gene Number, Function, and Mode of Action.”. Conserv Biol 23 (4): 920-30. Reference Link