The contraction of time and space in remote chromosomal interactions. Author Michael Levine Publication Year 2014 Type Journal Article Abstract Lucas et al. report the visualization of V(D)J recombination of the immunoglobulin heavy-chain gene (Igh) in living pro-B cells. Despite the huge distances separating V coding sequences from D-J sequences (~2 Mb), the authors document an astonishingly rapid rate of remote associations. The key to speed is contraction of the Igh chromosomal domain. These findings provide a foundation for understanding long-range regulatory interactions in a variety of developmental processes, including the patterning of vertebrate limbs. Keywords Animals, Immunoglobulin Heavy Chains, V(D)J Recombination Journal Cell Volume 158 Issue 2 Pages 243-4 Date Published 07/2014 Alternate Journal Cell Google ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML