Jeremy England Position (2009-2011). Currently: Thomas D. and Virginia W. Cabot Career Development Assistant Professor of Physics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology Email [email protected] Bio/Description Profile Research Interests Professor England's research is directed towards understanding the patterns of organization in space and time that form the basis of life at the molecular level. Which arrangements of macromolecules in the cytosol are consistent with cell survival? How do a protein's form and function arise from its linear architecture? What are the physical conditions necessary for the emergence of self-replicating molecular forms capable of evolution? What these and other questions of interest all have in common is that they point to theoretical physics as a means to make better sense of fundamentally biological phenomena. The overall objective is to chart a course of inquiry that traces the boundary between inanimate and living matter. Read more of Jeremy L. England profile at: Jeremy England - MIT Department of Physics Jeremy England - Computational and Systems Biology at MIT Google Scholar Alumni Past Fellows