Apr 1, 2024, 3:00 pm4:00 pm


Event Description

Avigdor Eldar did his undergraduate studies in math and physics at the Hebrew University, followed by an MSc in astrophysics in Tel-Aviv University. He then switched to biology, doing his graduate PhD studies under the supervision of Naama Barkai at the Weizmann Institute, working on systems understanding of developmental patterning mechanisms. In 2005 he moved to Caltech to work with Michael Elowitz on the evolution of bacterial developmental decisions, studying the differentiation events occurring during bacterial sporulation. Since 2010 he has been a faculty member at Tel-Aviv University. The Eldar lab is interested in social decision making in bacteria. Specifically, the Eldar lab has studied the evolutionary forces driving the diversification of bacterial and phage quorum- sensing systems and the ecological relevance of these systems to bacterial behavior and decision making. More recently, the lab is also studying the eco- evolutionary interplay between bacteria and their genomic parasites - phages, plasmids etc.

Bonus Seminar
Tuesday, April 2, 11-12pm in Icahn 280
"Phage communication controls lysis-lysogeny decision through modulation of a host defence system"

Hosted by Ned Wingreen

Event Category
QCB Seminar Series