LSI houses the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) Quantitative and Computational Biology graduate training program (T32HG003284), led by program directors John Storey and Josh Akey.

The goal of our integrated, multidisciplinary training program is to provide future genome scientists with the quantitative and computational tools necessary for successful biological research. The genome-training program supports students in Princeton University’s Graduate Program in Quantitative and Computational Biology (QCB) and other partner departments, including Molecular Biology, Computer Science, Chemistry, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Physics, and Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and is administered by the Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics.  Trainees do experimental and computational research in: experimental functional genomics in a variety of model and mammalian systems; computational projects ranging from large-scale genomics data integration, analysis, and visualization to human origins and evolution; single-cell genomics and other genomics technology development; and systems biology projects ranging from aging and metabolism to the biophysics of transcriptional regulation.  

NIH NHGRI Training Faculty