@article{2298, keywords = {Animals, Immunoglobulin Heavy Chains, V(D)J Recombination}, author = {Michael Levine}, title = {The contraction of time and space in remote chromosomal interactions.}, abstract = {

Lucas et al. report the visualization of V(D)J recombination of the immunoglobulin heavy-chain gene (Igh) in living pro-B cells. Despite the huge distances separating V coding sequences from D-J sequences (~2 Mb), the authors document an astonishingly rapid rate of remote associations. The key to speed is contraction of the Igh chromosomal domain. These findings provide a foundation for understanding long-range regulatory interactions in a variety of developmental processes, including the patterning of vertebrate limbs.

}, year = {2014}, journal = {Cell}, volume = {158}, pages = {243-4}, month = {07/2014}, language = {eng}, }