• Stanford University School of Medicine: Open Faculty Positions: The Stanford University School of Medicine (SoM) is recruiting multiple faculty at the Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor in the University Tenure Line (UTL), University Medical Line (UML), or Non-Tenure Line-Research (NTL-R) through this AI (Artificial Intelligence) Faculty Cluster Hire Search. We are specifically interested in candidates who have experience developing and applying novel biomedical AI and data science methods that incorporate biomedical domain expertise to ensure relevance and impact to health and medicine. Candidates will be hired into one or more SoM department(s) and contribute to the research, educational, and if relevant, clinical activities. Review of complete applications will begin on September 23, 2024, and will continue until the positions are filled.  Additional details and application submission:   https://facultypositions.stanford.edu/cw/en-us/job/494741 (Posted 8/30/24. Application site open as of 2/5/2025)
  • Post Doctoral Fellow in Deep Learning for Microbiome Spatial Omics: The Gerber Lab (http://gerber.bwh.harvard.edu) is a multidisciplinary group at Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School that develops novel computational models and high-throughput experimental systems to understand the role of the microbiota in human diseases, and applies these findings to develop new diagnostic tests and therapies. A long-standing and continuing focus of the lab is on incorporating principled probabilistic models into machine learning methods. The director of the lab, Dr. Georg Gerber, MD, PhD, MPH, uses his unique expertise, combining deep learning method development, medical microbiology, and human pathology, to leverage cutting-edge technologies to tackle scientifically and clinically important problems.  Additional details:  https://gerber.bwh.harvard.edu/post-doctoral-fellow-in-deep-learning-for-microbiome-spatial-omics/
    To apply: email a single PDF including cover letter, CV, brief research statement and a list of at least three references to Dr. Georg Gerber ([email protected]). (Posted 2/5/2025)