Lewis Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics

Coleen Murphy

2023 jul

Coleen T. Murphy appointed as Director of the Lewis-Sigler Institute

Coleen T. Murphy, the James A. Elkins Jr. Professor in the Life Sciences in Molecular Biology, has been appointed as Director of the Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics and will begin her tenure as director on July 1, 2023. She has been a faculty member of the LSI and Molecular Biology since 2005.


News story
Michael Levine


David Botstein moves to Professor Emeritus status. Mike Levine is appointed the new LSI Director, joining Princeton from the University of California at Berkeley. Levine has made seminal contributions toward the understanding of gene expression and gene regulatory networks in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster and the sea squirt Ciona intestinalis. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, received the Wilbur Cross Medal from Yale University in 2009, and the Edwin Grant Conklin Medal from the Society of Developmental Biology in 2015.

QCB Graduates in 2013


Quantitative and Computational Graduate Program approved as a Ph.D. degree-granting program.

Lewis Sigler research


The Graduate Program in Quantitative and Computational Biology is formed as an umbrella program for interdisciplinary graduate education that crosses multiple science and engineering departments; an NIH NHGRI training grant is awarded to David Botstein to support the program.

A revolutionary new Integrated Science Curriculum (ISC) is introduced for undergraduates to provide students with first-rate preparation for a major in any of the core scientific disciplines, and in such a way that helps retain the connections to the other disciplines.

Through the NIH NIGMS National Centers for Systems Biology program, a Center for Quantitative Biology is established, with David Botstein as the Principal Investigator.

David Botstein


David Botstein is appointed as Director, replacing Shirley Tilghman, who became President of Princeton University.

The construction of the Carl Icahn Laboratory building is completed.

Icahn building atrium


Construction begins on the Carl Icahn Laboratory, with funding through a gift from Carl Icahn ’57.

Research figure


The Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics is founded, through a gift from Peter B. Lewis ’55, to create innovative research and teaching programs at the interface of modern biology and the more quantitative sciences. Shirley Tilghman is appointed as the founding director.